by Joy Thompson
DesignRush is a reputable online marketplace and guide that recognizes the best professional companies and agencies which specialize in areas like digital marketing, website development, cybersecurity and much more. After thorough performance evaluation, Exults has earned a spot on DesignRush within the most established, reputable companies in Florida. Exults, formerly read more
by Tony Catone
Name: ZachHoffman Title/position: CEO Company: Exults How long: 7years Birth place: SouthFlorida Current city of residence: Fort Lauderdale Education/Major: UCF/Finance &smp; Economicsdual-major First job: Bus boy at Macaroni Grill Three words that best describe you: Persistent,loyal and dedicated Greatest business achievement: Leading a globalteam,and satisfying the need so fagrowing clientbase.And,providing read more
by Tony Catone
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA (UCF) AWARDS EXULTS FOUNDER AND CEO ZACH HOFFMAN WITH PRESTIGIOUS 2012 RISING STAR AWARD FROM THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS FORT LAUDERDALE, FL (November 12, 2012) – Zach Hoffman, Founder and CEO of Exults Internet Marketing, was awarded the prestigious College of Business Rising Star Award from read more